Video Marketing Strategy

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  • June 4, 2022
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Video Marketing Strategy

Videos are a good way to market your products. They are a low-cost marketing tool that many businesses do not fully realize

Business owners should be creating videos around their business to promote their brands.

This article will teach you what to do to get the results you want from video marketing. We leave no stone unturned.

This powerful article will learn the benefits of video marketing for your business. 

You will also learn what to do to prepare for your video marketing. 

It is critical that you provide suitable types of videos to satisfy the needs of your audience.

You must approach video marketing in the right way to see the best results. It is always best to plan your video content schedule and be consistent with your posting. 

This article will show you how to optimize your videos for search and other proven promotional tactics. So, let’s get on with it, shall we?

The benefits of Video Marketing Strategy

The benefits of Video Marketing Strategy

Video marketing is a powerful way to obtain more leads and sales for a business. Many businesses do not use this marketing method because it takes time and effort to create videos. 

But they are missing out on a great way to market their business. By following the advice in this powerful article, you can take full advantage of video marketing.

You can share any message using video, and it can be tailored to any audience. No matter your goal with video marketing, you can achieve it. Use video marketing to:

  1. Drive more traffic to your website
  2. Obtain more leads for your business
  3. Make more sales

Positive Results from Video Marketing Surveys

There have been numerous studies on the impact of video marketing. Internet giant Cisco estimates that online video will account for 82% of all consumer traffic on the Internet by 2022. 

Surveys also determined that viewers will retain as much as 95% of the message in a video. They will only keep around 10% of a message that is text-based.

A survey was conducted of businesses, and around 83% of them said that they would use video marketing more if there were no challenges such as the time it takes, the effort required to create high-quality videos, and the cost of equipment and other expenses.

Of those who already participate in video marketing, a survey revealed that 89% stated that they achieved a good ROI. The survey results suggest that video marketing is an effective way for a business to get its message across to its audience.

Social Media Video Marketing Strategy

These days there are many places where you can share your videos and get your message across. The most popular platforms for video are:

  • YouTube
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Tik Tok
  • Snapchat
  • Vimeo
  • Daily Motion

YouTube is the second largest website globally and the second largest search engine after Google. 

Billions of users visit YouTube every day to find answers to their questions. If you only use one platform to share your videos, it must be YouTube. Other video-sharing sites such as Vimeo and Daily Motion are minimal in comparison.

If you have a Facebook profile (which you should do), share your videos there. Facebook is the third-largest website globally, and videos are the most engaging media on the platform.

A social media post that includes a video is likely to attract almost 50% more views than those posts that don’t have a video. There are more than 100 million hours of video watched on Facebook every day, and the numbers are growing. 

Facebook users like videos and want more and more.

Other social platforms show increases in engagement with video. A video on Twitter is likely to get ten times the attention of a standard tweet. 

If you post a video on Instagram, this will likely result in more than 20% more interaction. Overall, videos on social media platforms generate 1,200% more shares than other posts.

Drive More Leads and Sales

Drive More Leads and Sales

All businesses want more leads and sales. Video marketing can help you to achieve that. Adding videos to your landing pages for your products and services can help to increase the number of conversions you achieve by as much as 80%.

There was another survey conducted on customers that purchase products and services online. Around 64% of the participants confirmed that they bought after watching a video on the landing page.

Another survey found that people were up to 84% more likely to purchase after watching a video on a sales page. 

There is no doubt from all of this that video marketing will help you to increase your conversions significantly.

Videos can Rank High for Tough Keywords

Trying to rank a conventional web page for the more difficult keywords is very challenging. Google and the other search engines favor the most reputable and credible websites that have been around for a long time.

When you optimize your videos correctly, you can rank high in YouTube search and achieve high rankings on Google. 

You probably already know that Google owns YouTube, so they will always give preference to YouTube videos.

Adding videos to your web pages will also help to reduce bounce rates. Visitors will stay longer on a page that has videos. 

Google and the other search engines prefer pages where the dwell time is high and reward them with higher rankings. 

Getting backlinks from video sharing and social sites will also help your SEO.

Videos help to Build Trust

If you use text and images on your web pages, you will not build much trust. 

But adding videos can significantly raise trust levels with your target audience. People want to know more about you and your business, so it is essential that you make a personal appearance in some or all of your videos.

Creating videos that demonstrate the benefits of your products and services is the right thing to do. It is why as much as 90% of customers state that watching videos influences them to make purchases.

Video Marketing Improves Brand Awareness

If you are a reasonably new business, getting your brand noticed by your target audience is not the easiest. But it would help if you increased the awareness of your brand, and video marketing is a very effective way to achieve this.

When you create videos, you can position yourself as an authority and an expert in your niche. You can tell your brand’s story and why persuade your target audience to interact more with your brand.

Reach Decision Makers with Video Marketing

Reach Decision Makers with Video Marketing

Many business owners do not realize that video marketing can help them reach the decision-makers in their target audience. A survey conducted among business executives revealed that 75% watched videos related to their industry each week.

The survey spoke with senior executives and found that almost 60% preferred to watch videos rather than read text on a web page or a social platform. These senior executives also shared videos that they found helpful with other people in their companies.

Combine Video Marketing with Email Marketing

Email marketing is still an effective way to communicate with your target audience, but the problem is that people receive too many emails these days. 

By combining video with your email marketing, you can improve your click-through rates and open rates.

People prefer to watch a video than they do reading text. If you add the word “video” in your subject lines, your open rates will likely increase significantly. Adding a video inside your email message will probably lead to a 300% increase in your click-through rates.


Video marketing is a powerful way to obtain more leads and sales for a business. Many businesses do not use this marketing method because it takes time and effort to create videos. 

Video marketing is a proven method that drives traffic and leads, builds trust, improves brand awareness, and helps you rank high for tough keywords.

Video marketing is a great way to reach decision-makers. And you can combine it with email marketing to increase the chances of success.

keep an eye on this article as it will be continued.

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