4 Proven Traffic Generation Secrets

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Traffic generation can be tricky… and it’s even more challenging if you don’t know what you’re doing. One day, hundreds of visitors flock to your site, and the next day …zero. We will share 4 proven traffic generation methods in this special report.

Not all sites can attract traffic if they aren’t designed with visitors in mind. So, when creating a website, keep your visitors at the top of your list. For this reason, we feel that it is vital that you learn some traffic generation secrets before you get started. 

For those of you who already have a website up and running, don’t worry; you can easily optimize your site to grow traffic by using these 4 traffic generation secrets we are about to reveal.


When you have a website, there is nothing more important than traffic. Without sufficient visitor traffic, you will never sell your products or services or make affiliate commissions. OK, let’s get on with it, shall we?

Generate Traffic from Social Media Platforms

Social media marketing can take a lot of time, but it’s a waste of time if you do it wrong and do not produce any leads. 

Social media can be a powerful tool for generating traffic, but that’s only if you know what you’re doing. 

Chances are, your competitors have social media channels up and running already, so it may be challenging to appear credible or unique – that’s OK because these secrets will help you stand out from the crowd. 

Social Media Secret 1: Optimize your Posts on major Social Networks

You can boost your likes, shares, and comments using Facebook optimization. You can boost tagging, hashtagging, and re-tweeting with Twitter optimization. YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest have their own rules for optimization.

Take some time to learn how every relevant major social platform works and how each can provide you with the best traffic generation. Keep an eye on your analytics, see which posts are doing the best, and create more like this

Social Media Secret 2: Keep Those Influencers Close

In every niche, there are online influencers. There’s a reason why certain brands and people transform into Internet celebrities (everyone pays attention to them). Go ahead and follow the influencers for your audience.

Social Media Secret

Copy what they do and like their posts, especially if they get much attention. By doing this, you will be able to discover trending topics, hashtags, and other connections or influencers within your niche. 

Also, pay attention to the influencers in your local area – become active in local promotion.


Social Media Secret 3: Don’t use Spam Tactics

Chances are, you have seen social media pages with many irrelevant posts and even spam – don’t be like them. 

Your goal is to market your brand on social media; you need to be smart about this. Make sure that your social media marketing skills are spam-free. 

You won’t become an authoritative figure right away, so take time to build your credibility.


Social Media Secret 4: Pay Attention to Keywords in Your Posts

Even on social media, you need to pay attention to your keywords. It’s a known fact that the right keywords can boost your traffic. 

Some of you may be trying to figure out how to use keywords for social media. If you’re on Twitter and Instagram, then using keywords will be easy – it’s called hashtags.

Pay Attention to Keywords in Your Posts

Don’t forget about YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn, where using the hashtag isn’t as popular as on Twitter, but you can still use keyword placement in your posts to ensure you appear in any search results.

Research and develop the best keywords for your niche and naturally sprinkle them in the descriptions of the posts. 

For YouTube, the terms you’re using in the “tags” section should also be spread throughout the video description. Use your main keyword in your video title.

High-Quality Content Marketing for Traffic Generation

You have likely heard the term “content is king,” which remains true today. To attract traffic to your site, you need to give them a reason to visit (and come back in the future). 

The content you publish on your site, and other platforms must be helpful and relevant to your audience. It should also be rich in target keywords.

In this section, we’ll give you some ideas to help you write and format quality content for your site…

Posts need to be between 2,000-3,000 words Long.

A number of your posts should be extended. We’ve noticed that long-form posts perform better with search engine algorithms. It is because they are considered to be less spammy and relevant. 

We recommend article/blog posts that are between 2,000 to 3,000 words long. 

Divide Content with Numbered Subheadings

Once you have reached the recommended word count, you must divide your content with numbered subheadings (this will make it a list article).

We recommend list articles because they perform well and make it easier for readers to digest your content. It feels that you are just providing your ideas in a list. 

When you publish list articles or posts, you will probably find your visitors staying longer on your pages, which will help increase your site’s authority and relevance. 

Optimize Your Content with Images

We recommend adding images throughout your content to make it more readable. Not only will this optimize it for search, but it will also make it more visually appealing. 

Make sure you add your target keywords to their metadata when you add images. It will help them appear in the image search results for those using keywords to find images. 

The best way to add an image to your content would be to add one image to each numbered section. 

First, separate the section after the third and fifth paragraph – all you have to do is place the cursor at the end of the paragraph and press the “enter” key on your keyboard a couple of times.

If you haven’t uploaded your image to the media library yet, it’s time to do so.

You want to click that “add media” button, then click on the “select files” button and locate the image you would like to put in your content, and double-click on it (this will add it to your media library).

Afterward, add your keyword in the “alt text” and “title” fields. Click on “insert into post.” Once you insert an image into your content, you must align it correctly. 

Add Tags

Adding tags to your site will allow the search engines to recognize what topics are relevant to your page. 

Search engines are optimized to rank content for specific search terms. This is why you should only use relevant keywords as tags on your posts.

 Set a Featured Image

Setting an image as a featured image in your posts will help increase the visibility of that image in the image search results. Plus, it will help improve the visual appeal of your content altogether.

Under the “featured image” section, there should be a “set featured image” link; click on that. If you uploaded the image to the media library, click on the “upload file” tab and then “select files.” Locate that image and set it as your featured image.

set Featured image

It’s Time to Publish Your Post

Now, it is time for you to publish your content. Before doing so, proofread it and ensure your images are optimized. 

The title and subheadings of your content should be catchy. Once you’re ready, click that “publish” button and your content will be live to the world.

 Do This on a Regular Basis

You need to regularly publish valuable content to your site. Be committed to posting valuable content and give your readers a reason to return.

 Decide on a schedule for publishing content, and stick to it. 

For example, you could publish every Monday and Friday, or if you’re perfect, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 

Once people see that you publish these days, you should see an increase in traffic on those days as people will visit to see what you posted (they’ll start to look forward to your articles).


Set Up a Traffic Generation Campaign on Facebook

If you haven’t stopped to look into the Facebook advertising platform, you should because this is a potent tool. 

It’s one of the most cost-effective tools to generate targeted traffic

Don’t worry if you don’t have experience with this because getting started with a traffic generation campaign on Facebook is pretty straightforward.

Follow the steps below to set up a traffic generation campaign on Facebook.

Access the Ads Manager on Facebook

You will want to start on Facebook’s homepage and click on the user menu. To access the ads manager dashboard, click on the “create ads” button. 

facebook advertising

Getting Your Traffic Generation Campaign Set Up

Once you have reached the ads manager, your next task will be to choose your marketing objective. 

Since your objective here is to generate traffic to your site, choose “traffic” as your marketing objective.

4 Proven Traffic Generation Secrets

Once you have chosen your marketing objective, name your traffic generation campaign. In the “campaign” name field, click on “set up add account.” 

After this, you will want to choose your “account country,” the “currency” you will be using for reporting and billing, as well as your “time zone.” 


Setting Up Your Ad Set

The next step involves setting up your ad set. You will select your target audience, traffic preferences, budget, and ad placements during this time. 

Start by typing in a name for your new ad set.

In the “traffic” section, choose where to drive traffic. 

You’re allowed to send the traffic to three destinations:

  • To an app
  • To a website
  • To the messenger application

Let’s assume you want to send traffic to your website, so we’ll choose “website” as our destination. After this, you must select the “audience” section and define your audience.  

Select your audience locations. If you want to add a target location, you can do so in the “locations” field. You’re allowed to add as many locations as you wish.

Setting Up Your Ad Set 

Once that is done, you will need to choose the age range of your target audience, the “gender,” and your target “language.”  

There’s also a detailed targeting section, where you can choose whether you would like to “exclude” or “include” people in your audience based on interests, demographics, or behaviors.

 Now, it’s time for you to choose your target placements, which is done in the “placements” section. This is where you can select “automatic placements,” which will help get your campaign out to the most significant number of people.

 If you want to customize this, you can choose “edit placements” and specific placements. 

We recommend you choose “all placements” unless you are trying to target a particular audience. 

Now it’s time to set up your “budget and schedule.” You’re able to choose between two different types of budgets. 

Select “daily budget,” and this will allow you to allocate a set amount of money you will be spending on daily ads.

When you select “lifetime budget,” this will allow you to allocate a specific amount of money that can be spent during the campaign’s lifetime.

We recommend going with a “daily budget” if you want to generate significant traffic.

To get started, allocate anywhere from $5 to $25 a day, and each week, increase that amount by increments of $5 at a time until you have reached your traffic generation goals with your new ad campaign.

There are two types of schedules that you can choose from as well. To run your ads after you set up your campaign, you can select “run my ad set continuously starting today” or “set a start and end date.” 

Creating Your Ad

In this section, you’re going to create the ad you will be using for the generation of clicks from Facebook to your site. 

In the “ad name” field, enter a name for your new ad and choose the Facebook Page representing your site in the “identity” section. 

Now it’s time for you to choose an ad format in the “format” section. You will notice several different formats available:

  • Carousel
  • Single image
  • Slideshow
  • Single video
  • Collection

We will choose the “single image” format in this example. 

Scroll down to the “images” section and select your ad. 

You can click on the “upload images” button to upload the ad from your computer, or you can click on the “browse library” button, which will allow you to select an image from your account.

Now you will start customizing your ad. Select “website” as the link for your ad and enter a short description of your site in the “text field.” This short brief will show up above the image in your ad.

In the “website URL” section, add the URL of your chosen landing page. In the “headline” field, enter a headline for the ad. Your headline cannot be longer than 40 characters. 

Now, choose a call-to-action button for your ad from the menu. 

You can see how the ad will look in the “ad preview” section. 

Check it over, make sure it looks as attractive as possible, and ensure the placements are in all the right spots. 

After customizing your ad, you will be ready to launch your traffic generation campaign. All you have to do is click “confirm” and submit your ad. 

Now, you have to wait for your ad to be approved, and you will start generating traffic directly to your site from Facebook. 

It is an excellent traffic generation method that will not break the bank.

Use These SEO Techniques to Increase Traffic to Your Site

Be sure to perform on-page Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In the simplest terms, this means the process of improving your website or blog to increase its visibility with the major search engines. 

In this section, we’ll give you some SEO Techniques that will help increase traffic to your site.

Optimize for your readers, as well as the search engines

You want your content to be SEO optimized so that search engines pick it up, but you cannot forget that actual human beings will be the ones reading your content. 

So, it would be best if you optimized for your readers and the search engines.

 You will naturally improve your SEO by creating high-quality content that provides value. Tap into the main issues of your audience and use the keywords they would be typing into search engines. 

It’s useless to optimize for search engines alone because you’ll end up with keyword-riddled nonsense that no one wants to read.

Post regularly

If you’re running a blog, the best way to increase the organic traffic to your site would be to blog regularly. 

Make sure the content you post is high quality because poorly written content can easily ruin your blog’s reputation, and you want to avoid that at all costs. 

Long-Tail Keywords

You can find the most popular keywords in your market, but that doesn’t mean it will be easy to rank your content for them. 

Try to find long-tail keywords with a good amount of search volume and little competition. Once you rank for these long-tail terms, Google and the other search engines will start to index your pages for more competitive terms.

  1. Guest Blogging

You can increase your traffic by securing a guest post on a reputable site. It will also give your website an SEO boost. 

Over the past couple of years, the standards for guest blogging have changed. Most high authority blogs have very high standards for the content they will accept. 

It should be easy to find blogs in your niche that have a lot of traffic. They will appear on the first page of the search results for the more competitive keyword terms. 

Check them out to ensure that they have the necessary authority. Look to see if they have a “guest blogging” page. Here you will find the rules you must abide by to publish your content. 


We have provided you with 4 proven traffic generation secrets in this special report. There are both free and paid methods that you can use to drive targeted visitors to your website. 

Now it is time for you to take action and put what you have learned into practice. Always remember that traffic is your website’s lifeblood and be consistent with your traffic generation efforts.

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