Rank number 1 on Google

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  • September 10, 2021
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Rank number 1 on Google. Now, if you want more leads, more customers, more sales to your website, then make sure you keep reading because Google is one of the best ways to grow your business. And if you can understand exactly how SEO works, if you can understand how to rank your website number one on Google, the sky’s the limit, you could get thousands of customers, thousands of leads, and a ton of sales to your website. So this is the key to growing your website and growing your business too.

And that’s what I’m going to teach you in this article. Let’s jump in. So what I would say with SEO is that this is kind of like having a race car. The better that you can optimize your website, aka your race car, the more likely you will win the race, aka rank number one at Google.

Rank number 1 on Google | Driver of your website

As the driver of your website, if you’re the website owner, you have to make the right decisions. You have to understand how to optimize your race car to make it go faster, improve your results, and be more efficient. So the first thing you need to know as the driver of your website, if you’re the owner, is that there are over 200 ranking factors for search engine optimization. So there’s a ton of different things you could optimize, But at the same time, not all of these are equal.

Rank number 1 on Google | Driver of your website

Not everything has the same effect. And you have to know really what to focus on to make sure that you’re as efficient and productive with your time as possible. So what does that mean? Well, for example, just like a race car, if you put the wrong fuel into your car, you’re going to break down after an hour or so. And it’s the same with your website.

If you use the wrong fuel for SEO, if you focus on the bad things, then after a few months, your website may crash and burn. You may never get the results you want. So what should you focus on? The number 1 ranking factor for Google when it comes to ranking your website is backlinks. Now, if you don’t know what these are, these are essentially links from other websites to yours.

Every time you click on the link from one other website, and it takes you somewhere else, that is essentially a backlink. And what this means is that every time someone links you, Google is crawling down every page on the internet, and it sees, everyone is linking to this website. It must be an authority. It must be trustworthy. It must be credible.

And therefore, we’re going to rank that website higher. So the more backlinks and the more you fuel your website with high-quality backlinks relevant to your industry, the more likely you are to rank number one at Google. And this is the difference between winning the race and coming last, right? So just like a race car, if you put the wrong fuel to your website, aka backlinks, you’re not going to win. You have no chance, especially when all of your competitors are optimizing to rank their websites too.

Rank number 1 on Google | Opportunity to rank number one on Google

And this is crucial to understand. The other major factor that’s going to make the difference between ranking number one on Google and not is content. Every time you create a blog, an article, or a piece of content on your website, that’s an opportunity to rank number one on Google. That’s going to get you ranked in front of a keyword. The better you can optimize your content, the higher quality your content is, the more interesting it is, the better your keywords strategy is, the more likely you are to rank on Google.

Rank number 1 on Google | Opportunity to rank number one on Google

And the thing is, with SEO, there are two significant factors, right? So there are backlinks that I talked about, and there’s content. Now, backlinks will get you an opportunity to rank number one on Google. This is what’s going to push you up the rankings and help you get to number one on Google. But at the same time, content is what’s going to keep you there.

And the better your content is, the more likely you are to stay at number one on Google. Because Google will see, right, how are people reacting to this content when they land on it? Are they staying on the page? Are they reading the whole page? Are they interacting with other pieces of content on this website?

Or are they jumping on and jumping straight off because that content is terrible. So with backlinks, you get a ticket to the raffle. And with content, you get the chance to win the raffle. And that’s the difference with SEO. There are tons of other factors; as I said, there are 200 ranking factors when it comes to Google.

Rank number 1 on Google | On-page SEO

You could do keyword research. You could hone down on your on-page SEO. You could focus on technical aspects like speed, like conversion rate optimization. But at the same time, the two significant factors that will make the difference between your ranking and not are content and backlinks. I would also say with SEO that as a website owner if you own your website, you are the driver of that race car.

Rank number 1 on Google | On-page SEO

So as the driver of your website, you have a lot of control over the speed, efficiency, and productivity that you’re going to achieve for your website. So you have to learn to make the right decisions when it comes to SEO. That’s why I have seen so many videos about search engine optimization because I want to help website owners just like you to improve their results. So what does this mean? Well, as the driver of your website, the more you can learn about SEO, the more you can study it and learn to understand it, the better rankings you’re going to achieve, and the more likely you are to rank on Google.

And the best SEOs I know are the ones that understand SEO at its deepest level, really have a good understanding of the philosophy of SEO, of the technical elements. So the more you can learn, the more you’re going to improve SEO. The other thing I would say is just like a driver, and you need the right team. So if you have a race car and you’re the driver, you also need a good team around you to maintain that website, improve your car, and help you continually achieve better results. And it’s the same with SEO.

If you can hire a good team that puts together an exemplary process for SEO, the more likely you are to rank number 1 at Google. Now, what does that mean? Well, if you can hire someone for backlinks, that will save you much time. If you can hire a team of excellent writers who can produce the best quality of content, then you’re much more likely to rank number 1 at Google. And chances are, the better the team you build, the harder you are to compete with, and the more likely you are to outrank your competitors.

So I would say that with SEO, you’ve learned three things from this article. 

Number one, build higher quality, more relevant backlinks. 

Number two, create better articles with better content that’s more interesting, engaging, and up to date. 

Number tree, build a good team. Because a driver can’t win a race without a good team, and it’s the same with SEO.

If you don’t have the right writers on your team, the correct link builders on your team, and you’re just trying to do this all solo, it’s going to be extremely hard to compete, especially when there are so many websites out there who are optimizing for SEO too. And there’s only one person who can rank number 1 on Google, and I want that to be you. So you have to make sure you have the right team in place to do that. 


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