White Hat SEO strategy

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We’ll discuss the White Hat SEO strategy, which will help you immensely. You’ll learn how to optimize your website, do keyword research, LSI keywords, Semantic keywords, Snippet baits, and how you can go for middle tail keywords.

We’ll be building solid fundamentals of traditional and modern SEO.

We’ll discuss keyword research, amazing content, Link Building, and Technical SEO. 

You’ll love these strategies if you want to skyrocket your site to the first page without breaking the rules.


Keywords Research.

Using keyword strategies, you will learn precisely how to find keywords your customers search for.

Find excellent long-tailed keywords using Google suggests.

Just type a keyword you want to rank for and jot down the keywords Google suggests to you. 

White Hat SEO strategy | long-tailed keywords

Using Google and YouTube can give you good ideas for keywords that aren’t insanely competitive, and you can be sure that people are searching for them.

Most people struggle with SEO because they choose keywords with lots of traffic and are too competitive.

This is why it’s crucial to select your keywords carefully.

Copying competitor’s keywords.

You can do this with Collabim or SEMrush. It is an effective keyword strategy in 2022. You can spend time hunting the right keywords or copy your competitor’s keywords.

  1. Find a site that’s doing well with SEO, then pop that site into a keywords research tool like Ahrefs or SEMrush.
  2. You get a list of keywords that the site already ranks for.

White Hat SEO strategy | competitor's keywords

Online communities.

Head over to an online community where your audience hangs out, like Reddit. Then pay attention to the language and lingo that people like to use. Especially when asking questions. 

The questions make excellent keywords. You can also use a tool like Answer the public, which is a great tool that collects the questions people ask. 

Google Search Console.

It is the holy grail of SEO. Head over to the Performance report in the new Google search console. 

You’ll see keywords sorted by the number of clicks. These keywords already attract traffic, so they’re not helpful right now. 

Instead, sort by impressions. Take note of any keywords on which you can create good content. Because you already accidentally rank for these keywords, you can rank even better and attract more traffic with good content.

White Hat SEO strategy | google search console

Let’s start with content. 

When it comes to SEO, content is everything. If you consistently publish unique content, you’re well on your way to the first page of Google.

Fortunately, It is not hard to publish unique content.

All you need to do is make sure that every piece of content has these three features. 

Long in-depth content.

In current times, short generic content doesn’t work. A recent study of search engine ranking factors found a strong correlation between good rankings and in-depth content. So create long content like ultimate guides. In-depth content on any one topic.

White Hat SEO strategy | long-tailed keywords

Satisfy user intent.

Thanks to machine learning technology called Google Rank brain, Google can measure whether or not searchers are satisfied with a particular set of results. In short, if your content gives users what they want, Google will reward you with better rankings.

Create a good user experience and readability.

Google closely tracks how users interact with the sites. 

Specifically, Google pays close attention to the number of times people stay on your pages; if Google notices that people leave your site after a few seconds, you can expect a rankings drop. And if you want to be better, you need to make your website such that people like to stay on it.

Here are two tips to improve, write an introduction and get straight to the point. That way, people know what they are in for, and they can get to the issue immediately

  1. Make sure your content is super easy to read. That means big font, like 15 pixels or more, and many subheadings. People can read it quickly, skim, and easily read your content if you organize it well.
  2. Another vital thing is short paragraphs. One or two sentences at most. Because it is very tough to read a long piece of content that is all squeezed together, and it’s no joy reading it.

So you need subheadings, short paragraphs, and big fonts to improve the user experience. There’s a lot more to SEO than just optimizing your meta tags. You’ll see four great SEO strategies.

Descriptive URLs of every page on your website. 

Google uses the page to understand what your content is about. It also makes your site better organized, and user-friendly, as long URLs might seem intimidating to the users. 

Also, descriptive URLs will help your users have additional information about the page. Therefore your URLs should be short and keyword-rich.

Internal linking.

It is essential to pay attention to internal linking. Because internal links help Google to understand your content better.

Google looks at the anchor text you use in your links, and keyword-rich anchor texts help Google get the topic of the page you’re linking to. 

White Hat SEO strategy | Internal linking

Also, the Internal link sends page authority to pages that need it. So if you proceed with Internal linking, you can boost your pages. So use keywords strategically. 

In the old days of SEO, you could’ve ranked your site using a black hat keyword strategy using keyword stuffing, which was stuffing your content with your keyword thousands of times. 

But these techniques don’t work today since the search engines are much more sophisticated. However, your content performs using your target keywords and related words a handful of times. 

For example, in your title tag, in H1. So use it as naturally as possible. Also, use keywords at the beginning of the content. It’s important to be very natural and write your content well.

Optimize images with Alt tags. 

Remember, Google Bing and other search engines can’t see your images. Instead, they make sense of the image with the descriptions given in alt tags. So with alt tags, Google can grasp the image entirely. So you name the photo, and you describe it.

White Hat SEO strategy | Optimize images with Alt tags

Link building.

If you want to rank your site at the top of Google’s first page, you need backlinks. There’s no doubt about it.

But how do you get lots of backlinks without resorting to black hat link-building strategies? 

It’s simple. Just use these four simple techniques.

Skyscraper technique. 

This is as white technique as it gets:

  1. You evaluate the content which is already ranking well.
  2. You figure out what that content has in common.
  3. You write content similar in nature but way better.

Your content should trump all the other search results. Your content should crush all the different search results.

Broken link building. 

It’s not challenging; it is a straightforward strategy and one of the best strategies. 

  1. Find a site you’d like to get the link from.
  2. Use a tool like checkmylinks to find broken links on the page. Now let the person that runs the site know that their page has a broken link.

 And if you have a page on your site that could replace the broken link, suggest that they return the content with your link.

Industry study and original research. 

White Hat SEO strategy | Industry study and original research

This strategy is a great way to get lots of backlinks if you do it right.

Researching and understanding the markets that surround the products that you sell is a critical aspect of successful online selling.

It considers geographic, demographic, and psychographic data about past, current, and potential customers. It also looks at competitive analysis to determine the viability of a product offer.

By making it easier for customers to understand who they’re buying from, you increase the chances that they’ll continue to buy from you.

Guest posting. 

When it comes to guest posting, you have two options. 

  1. Either write for sites that aren’t remotely related to yours.
  2. Or you can publish posts on authority sites in your niche.

These two approaches are very different. Google considers spammy guest blogging as a link scheme that can get your site penalized. 

Any links intended to manipulate page rank or site ranking in Google search results will be considered part of a link scheme.

Therefore only write guest posts for sites in your niche.

Technical SEO. 

Technical SEO can make or break your entire site’s SEO efforts. 

Fortunately, you don’t need to be a coder to master technical SEO, and there are many helpful tools to pursue this. 

White Hat SEO strategy | Technical SEO

First of all, you should speed up your loading time.  

Google is usually secretive about the factors that go into the algorithm, but there is one factor they’re not shy about. The loading speed of a site.

With the Google speed update, page speed will become a ranking factor in mobile search starting in July 2018. 

Google uses mobile page speeds as the major speed ranking factor. So, how do you know if your site is fast enough? 

Well, you can use a Google tool called page speed insights

If you have bloated or big images slowing down your page, this tool will help you sort out those issues.

You can dig deeper with web page tests. This site gives you many details about your site’s performance and tells you a lot of actionable tips you can implement to improve your site’s loading time.

The second thing is using an intelligent site architecture.

Organize your content for different Keywords. When your site is brand new with only a few pages, the site architecture doesn’t matter that much. 

But as your site grows, its importance increases. Site architecture means how the pages on your site are organized and arranged. 

The goal is to keep the architecture flat so that it only takes three to five clicks to go from any page on your site to the homepage.

A good site architecture can improve the search rankings of your website.

Fix errors on your site. 

You can use the excellent Google search console to find problems on your site and solve them. 

Go tohttps://search.google.com/ and log in to your account.

Next, you’ll need to sign in to your website. Now, type the website name, so that Google can understand your website better.

Once you type your website name, click on the Next button.

Now, click on the “Sites” tab and enter the website name here. You can find it in the address bar. Once you find your website name, click on it and you will see the results of your website.

Under the errors section, click on “view issues”. You will see the results on your website. You can see what errors are reported by Google.

Now, go back to your website and fix these errors. Google has also reported some issues that you can fix.

These are very basic issues that can be fixed easily. If your website has a lot of errors, then you need to fix them quickly. Fixing these errors can give a good impression of your website.

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