SEO tips and tricks of 2021

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SEO tips and tricks of 2021

SEO tips and tricks of 2021 Secrets the ranking number one on Google ranking on Google is complex. If you use generic strategies, I mean, one thing I feel like you shouldn’t overwhelm yourself and outs, try to outsmart your competitors. You know, and you want to analyze your competitors to search for their weaknesses!

I think I often see when web admins fail, you know, they try to overcome Big players in the top 10 results they copy their strategies. And many clients ask me, ‘can you steal the traffic and sales from my competitors’ I often reply to them, don’t do it. It’s better to search for their weaknesses. If they have this traffic, they are strong with their positions and might have many links or good content. It’s better to search for their weaknesses and jump with the right content strategy, it’s the same with Elon Musk.

When Elon Musk started Tesla, he didn’t try to overcome a big car brand, like Toyota, BMW. He found their weaknesses and topics they ignore. Today. We see Tesla is the number one car production company and yeah I don’t remember it costs over 600 billion dollars, it’s a lot more than or all other car companies, that’s why I often recommend my clients to search for weaknesses, not strong, sides of your competitors and jumped there.

Let me know how you customize your content strategy. For me, I customize my strategy per client per person.

It’s always different for each client. Or even each business I work with.

You want to make sure you, as you said, look for these gaps, look these content gaps for where you rank, and your competitors don’t Rank, and then take over there. I mean, that’s why you can find the weaknesses through the keyword gaps content gaps. That’s something I would always start with any client or any business.

SEO tips and tricks of 2021

Google ranking 

I often see when web admins spend a few minutes or a few hours creating their strategy. It doesn’t work. Spent a few days.

You know, it sometimes takes 10-15 days to analyze a lot of content. And think how you can create something better, and I often see when web admins try to cover many topics to produce mediocre content.

That doesn’t work today because it’s not social media for Google. You need to create much better content, three times better. Content, ten times better content than your competitors have. And only after this jump with these topics and clients often ask me how many pages I need to create a month, how many articles to write for my blog? You know you don’t need to do it.

In SEO tips and tricks of 2021,it’s better to create one article, the best article. And after this jump, if another one, How to find copywriters. Because, you know, clients often ask where to find good writers who know your topic. Well, copywriters, you need to find. That’s tough.

That’s one’s a tough one because finding the right copywriters can be very difficult because you might have to find a subject matter expert. Someone that knows the industry. So what I would, Is I would look at these specific communities and go out and interviewed one of them. Like, if there’s someone in, they in the, let’s say, Bitcoin industry that you are trying to write about.

Find an expert, then interview them ask some questions, and then you can create a nice piece of content on that by using them.

Google Ranking

Now what you do with that since you’re in an interviewing an expert, you’re getting that E-A-T framework in there because you’re getting the expertise authoritativeness and trustworthiness because you’re attaching it to an expert and Google loves that, Google loves putting content, And facts tied to a certain, that’s an expert in the field. Yeah, it’s, you know, I think that copywriters appealed with Google because, before SEO, people didn’t know about this occupation, it’s only people who can rewrite the top 10 results. They can’t provide something new and unique.

SEO tips

 For example, if you get sick, you are interested, then the text from copywriters who don’t have experience in medical education, of course. It’s better to choose content from doctors, who can provide something valuable for you.

It’s the same with any topic is better to cooperate with experts because people often consume content from the top 10 results.

If they see the same information, they are not interested to read twice. For example, when you watch a new movie and after this, you watch the same plot movie, you’re not interested. It’s better to find some movie, that provides some unpredictable plot, and it’s interesting for your time spending. That’s why I often tell my clients to create less but quality, by the way, what do you think about the parameter E-A-T?

It is something that’s very, very important because I mean you can establish your expertise, your authoritativeness, your trustworthiness!

SEO tips and tricks of 2021 (Part 1)

Until here, stay tuned to read the second part!


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